Driftwood Healing

The story behind the name.

Sometimes the world seems against you, the journey may leave a scar; but scars can heal and reveal just who you are.
— Moana

I have seen the movie Moana no less than 400 times, and (believe it or not) I’m still not sick of it. One of the children we’ve parented found solace and comfort in watching it over and over, and it’s become a totem for me. The breathtaking ocean scenes, the soulful music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, and the heroic journey of a brave young woman remind me of what I hope and believe to be true.

Driftwood serves as a visual representation of my favorite line of the movie. Wood breaks off, is tossed around by the rise and fall of the ocean tide, eventually washing to shore or fished out in a totally different state. But, it’s the journey through the highs and the lows that lead to a new and unique piece of art. What happened to it becomes its beauty and power.

We would be honored to bear witness to your story and to walk alongside you toward healing.

- Hillary, owner and founder of Driftwood Healing